Saturday, June 6, 2009

Diet, Oh my Diet...

... is ok!
I can't complain. Tomorrow morning is my weigh in. I hope I'll be down at least a pound. Sometimes I am so motivated and want to do my best, but sometimes I just feel so down and can't move. I started good with posting my food pictures, and then one day I got so busy, and lost control of it. Anyway, I will fix this ;)

I am thinking about to create a new diet and fitness plan. Something needs to be changed. Something healthier. Something that will work.

Tomorrow my plan is to do so much...
Here is my to do list:
- Homework and essay to complete
- Eat healthy and write down what I ate
- Do Laundry
- Take a long walk/run with my daughter :)
- Weigh in
- Create a menu for the whole next week
- Write a reference letter ;)
- Do a Pilates workout for 20 minutes (Winsor pilates
- Have to dedicate a post to this GREAT workout)

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